Eden Group
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Instructor Ur - Instructor Boya - Secretary Lime Evenor
The Eden Group contains members that offer players a variety of useful services such as quests that give good experience and equipment, teleporting services, kafra storage, VIP specific benefits, and many more. Many of the NPCs on this wiki may be NRO exclusive.
To access the Eden Group Headquarters, simply use @eden command. Exiting the Eden Group afterward will normally return you to a location.
Note : On some servers, whenever you exit from Eden headquarters you will be warped to Prontera. Therefore, the Eden Teleporter can be used to warp to Prontera easily if you're in a far city like Juno, Rachel, Al De Baran, Amatsu, etc.
Note: All items that Secretary Lime Evenor are bounded.
Talk to Secretary Lime Evenor (moc_para01 27, 35) to register and select Join the Eden Group. You can type anything as she will not actually check your spelling. She will give you the following item:
2 pieces of Old Battle Manual
15 pieces of Lv10 Blessing Scroll
15 pieces of Lv10 Agil Scroll
Talk to Instructor Boya again when you reached base level 12 to start the Eden Group Equipments Quests.
Alora in 2nd Floor of Eden
(moc_paraup 21, 185) can give you the costume version of a headgear if you bring her normal (slotted or unslotted) version of the headgears with an upgrade levels of +8 or higher.
For more Costume Creation please check Eclage Costume Maker
Eden Group's mission boards located in Eden Group Headquarters, provide a fast and easy way to get EXP while playing.
For more detailed information please check Eden Group Leveling Quests
(moc_para01 29, 30) is a custom NRO NPC that offers Weekly Turn-In events. They are generally the best way to level characters level 70 and up, although one may choose to grind higher elsewhere first, or also grind in regular maps when the turn in quest is in cooldown. Each week, a hunting quest (also called a "Turn-In") is rotated. The Gramps NPC in the Eden Group HQ is offering the quest. They require the player to kill 400 monsters. The monsters involved will give their normal EXP. The player must be within a certain level range to obtain the quest, but he can get the reward at any level.
For more detailed information please check Weekly Turn-In Events
Para Market Tout (moc_para01 106, 38) to access the Para Market Hall.